This screening is available to all accredited Industry

Sometimes one phone call can change your life. Kate Swanson left her Michigan hometown behind more than a decade ago, reinventing herself in California as cult porn-star Tabitha Swann. An unexpected call from Michigan Child Services brings Kate’s troubled past to the forefront as Kate learns that Charlotte, the daughter she gave up for adoption in high school has been orphaned in a tragic double homicide.
Packing her things and going back home, Kate meets a broken, dispirited Charlotte, and hopes to make a connection with the child she never thought she’d meet. As the two start the awkward process of learning to live together, they find an opportunity when Kate bumps into Mike, a high school acquaintance with an empty house looking for a house-sitter. Through all this, there is still a lingering menace - a nagging feeling of people watching, stalking Kate, often right to her face. Is this all because of Kate’s other identity as a porn-star, or is something else going on? The mother-daughter duo will need to reckon with the collision of Kate’s past and present, their fledgling bond the only thing holding them together against unexpected terror and trauma.
TIFF Lightbox 6